The next day we went to Knossos, the Minotaur's Labyrinth. Knossos is the oldest city in Europe and its first settlement was dated back to 7000 BC. We checked out all the ruins and it was really cool. And I wondered if it is still a marvel nowadays how much of a marvel it would have been 9000 years ago when it was built. The city had a lot of paintings that were made from herbs and flowers and the blue was made from Lapis Lazuli. But the most impressive painting was the Minoan Dolphin Fresco.
The reason it was named The Minotaur's Labyrinth was because of the legend that the King had been cursed so that his son became a Minotaur. The King wanted to kill the Minotaur but the Queen would not let him so they trapped the Minotaur in the abandoned city. We didn't see a Minotaur but Sage spotted a few peacocks when we were having lunch.
After we took some photos of the peacocks we went back to the apartment and had some dinner before going to bed.
The next day we spent the morning at the apartment and Zaddek and Sage found Cuddles the Kitten at the mini putt coarse and said goodbye to him before we left.
We went to the docks where we would get on the overnight ferry. We finally took back the Death Car and had a few hours before the ferry so we checked out the market and we went to a restaurant for dinner. Mom and Dad had seafood, Kaden and I had risotto, and Zaddek had grilled cheese. But Sage had the best order because she got an amazing ceasar salad. (She was very happy about having the best order.) After we ate we boarded the ferry and headed to Santorini.
Total Miles Walked: 3 miles
The Death Car
1 late night ferry